You can book in many ways, you can:

Book by Whatsapp

You can send us a message to the number +506 61617710 or with a click here, it will send you the link so you can book within the reach of a click.

It is the simplest and most practical way, you can keep in touch with us in case your flight is delayed, you want to extend your rental or you have any questions. It is 24 hours the service of answering the messages.

Book by Email

Our email is

You can write to us and by that means we will give you all the information you need or if you have doubts.


You can write to our social networks, your questions will be answered as soon as possible.



What do I need?

Driver’s license

If you are a foreigner, the international license is not necessary, with the license of your country while it is valid it will work perfectly

Passport or your ID

Credit card

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express or some other …

You need it for the security deposit.

Be over 25 years old!